Archived: Support the building project
This past month has been very busy at Muswell Hill Synagogue. We welcomed a record number of attendees to shul over Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We celebrated a bar mitzvah and a golden wedding anniversary. And this week on Simchat Torah we blessed a bimah full of children and enjoyed a wonderful communal lunch.
Those who attended services over this period will have seen our plans for renovating the synagogue on display in the main lobby. As I wrote in my introduction to the shul magazine before Rosh Hashanah, after more than two years of consultations and discussions, we are now in a place to move forward with those plans.
The plans represent an ambitious and exciting proposal to upgrade the synagogue spaces and its utilities, providing the flexibility a growing community deserves whilst also preserving the traditions of which we are proud.
Thanks to the generosity of over 70 families that have so far contributed we are 85% of the way towards our budget. But we are not quite there yet. We are looking to raise a further £90,000 to take us to our target of £600,000.
In an envelope inside the shul magazine was a card outlining details of the project, and a pledge form. If you haven’t yet completed the pledge form, we would urge you to do so. We need every member of the community to contribute whatever you can afford.
Donations can be made over a three year period and are eligible for Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer. If you can’t find your copy of the magazine,Download the pledge card here Print it off and email it back to the shul office. Alternatively, if you would like to discuss a donation with one of the team, email and one of the committee will get back to you.
We look forward to welcoming many more people into our building over future High Holy Days and to creating a revitalised space that we all contribute to and which we can all be proud.
Watch the film about our building project here
Wish best wishes,