Muswell Hill Synagogue

Bo 31 January/1 February 2025 Shabbat begins: 4.33pm Shabbat ends: 5.39pm

Muswell Hill Synagogue, as part of the United Synagogue is an Orthodox community. Working within Jewish Law, we endeavour to be open and accessible to all those who wish to join our community.

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Fri. 7 February , 4:45 pm

Kabbalat Shabbat Chicken Soup Kiddush

Sat. 8 February , 10:45 am


Sun. 9 February , 9:30 am

Kids Tu Bishvat Event


. . .  this Saturday for our Shabbat Service, starting at 9.15am, during which,  as this is ‘JAMI’ Shabbat, Rabbi Michael will be giving a source-based Drosha under the title “The Sound of Silence:  The plague of darkness and Jewish perspectives on managing mental health”.

We’re also excited to invite you and your children to our young kids’ play session this Shabbat, between 10.45am and 11.45am, in the Hall Annexe, for some fun and playtime.  (Suitable for kids aged 3-6 years old an no need to book)  We can’t wait to see you there!

Following the Service, the congregation are invited to a Cholent and Kugel Kiddush in The Rose & Harry Epstein Hall, hosted by Mark Sheinfield and Lydia Burman by way of celebration of their recent Silver Wedding Anniversary.