Muswell Hill Synagogue
Pinchas 26/27 July 2024 8.44pm 9.55pm

Category Archive: Voices from the Hill

  1. Vayakhel 5784

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    Amanda Bowman, then Vice President of the Board of Deputies, joined the Muswell Hill community for Shabbat, just one day after International W

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  2. Balak 5784

    Comments Off on Balak 5784 By Helena Miller Shabbat Balak – the power of words I am not an animal lover. When our son Arieh was a child, he was desperate for a pet. He nagged for… read more
  3. Chukat 5784

    Comments Off on Chukat 5784 By Marlene BenSimon Lerner Perrashat Hukat marks a transition, a transition from the wilderness to the Promised Land. Some 38 years have elaps… read more
  4. Korach 5784

    Comments Off on Korach 5784 By Neil Cohen This week’s parasha of Korach is also known in some places as the parasha of machloket – strife. It tells the story we know of Korach a… read more
  5. Shemot 5784

    Comments Off on Shemot 5784 By Michael Redstone WHAT’S IN A NAME? This is the second time that I have had the honour of addressing the shul on shabbat. The first time was in 200… read more
  6. Terumah 5784

    Comments Off on Terumah 5784 By Ruth Jampel Shabbat Shalom, and Mazel Tov to Michael and all his family on his second Bar Mitzvah. What a parasha you had all those years ago…I w… read more
  7. Tetzaveh 5784

    Comments Off on Tetzaveh 5784 By Daniel Shaw Shabbat Shalom I should begin by thanking Steven and Neil for organising this series of speakers from amongst our members as we aw… read more
  8. Shabbat Zachor 5784

    Comments Off on Shabbat Zachor 5784 By Andrew Margolis Tonight is Purim. Of the three festivals with the historical formula ‘they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat’ – Pesach, Chan… read more
  9. Shelach Lecha 5784

    Comments Off on Shelach Lecha 5784 Sermon given by Lawrence Cohen 29th June 2024 This week’s Sedra is Shlach Lechah. It begins by telling us the story of the spies sent by Moses to su… read more
  10. Beshalach

    Comments Off on Beshalach I am connected to the sedra of Bashalach not through a birthday or an important life event but through a film: Cecile Demille’s “The Ten Commandm… read more
  11. Va’yeshev

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    Quick summary

    Va’yeshev is the beginning of the Joseph story, he is 17 years old and Jacob’s favourite – so his brothers hated him. 1st dream– br… read more
  12. Vayetze

    Comments Off on Vayetze Vayetze, the 7th sedra in Bereshit, covers a timespan of 20 years and many familiar themes in the development of the Jewish family: love, decept… read more
  13. Toldot

    Comments Off on Toldot Two nations waged war in Rivka’s womb Try as she might, it was not under stood Rivka asked of HaShem, what can this mean The answer,  &… read more
  14. Vayera

    Comments Off on Vayera In this Parshah we read the account of Isaac’s birth, the destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah, the story of Lot, Hagar’s exile and the Akeida “Th… read more
  15. Noach

    Comments Off on Noach It is still early in Bereshit and this sedra is action-packed, full of events.  For fact lovers, it has the most verses of any parash… read more