Muswell Hill Synagogue
Bo 31 January/1 February 2025 Shabbat begins: 4.33pm Shabbat ends: 5.39pm

MHS Kids

Welcome to MHS Kids

Just over a year ago, a few of us who were concerned that there was not enough going on for some of the younger members of our community, got together to organize a fun tochnit (programme) for younger children which included storytelling, a variety of entertainers, arts and crafts, a fashion show and a drumming workshop. These events were so enthusiastically attended by large numbers of children in our community, that we met over the summer to organize another fantastic year of events for 5778.

We are thoroughly excited by the events planned for the coming year which include; 2 separate story tellers working with Jonah on Yom Kippur, a bushcraft succah building workshop and arts and crafts session on Chol Hamoed Succot, entertainment and festivities for Simchat Torah, a Chanukah fair, a pyjama themed Havdallah party (with a film planned for after Shabbat) and a shaker making workshop (before the Megillah reading) for Purim.

You should have received a fridge magnet with the last Shul magazine (kindly sponsored by Martyn Gerrard Estate Agents) – please use it! As a number of these events are being scheduled far in advance, please remember that they may be subject to change

Please also note that for some events, it may be advisable to book – either because of restrictions in the numbers dictated by the nature of the entertainment, or because a rough idea of numbers is needed to help us gauge how much food to order, where it is being provided.

Children’s Services

We haven’t just been focusing on the Chagim– we have given a great deal of thought on how to improve children’s services over the coming year in light of the challenges faced by our community, namely having sufficient numbers of children attending the services, and having sufficient numbers of volunteers to run them. Over the summer term, only the service for children aged 0-6 ran on a regular basis – this is something we would like to change.

As children can resent coming to shul/going to children’s services when there are few/no other children around, over the past six months a number of families have been making an effort to attend Children’s services on the first Shabbat of every month. This has been quite successful, and the services running on those days have felt fuller and more engaging. So, we have decided to make it official. To scale back children’s services to the first Shabbat of every month but to offer better services to a number of age ranges. There will be additional services scheduled  for shabbatot where a large number of children are expected to be in shul (e.g. Shabbat UK). The dates for all schedules services will be available on the website, to avoid any confusion.

Get Involved

Muswell Hill is a warm, small community. We rely on volunteers to be able to offer as much as we do. If you can volunteer to take one/two children’s services a term, help to run one event etc… please do get in touch. You will be given support if you want it, and at the very least, you’ll make some new friends.