Muswell Hill Synagogue
Vayeitzei 6/7 December Shabbat begins: 3.38pm Shabbat ends: 4.46pm

Adult ed

We have a variety of programmes running at different times of the year ranging from speakers in shul on Shabbat to Lunch and Learn events

Shabbat on the Hill:

About once a month in Muswell Hill we get together for a great kiddush, often featuring chulent and a fascinating speaker. We call it Shabbat on the Hill

More details here:

 Text Together:

After the success of the Shabbat on the Hill programme, We are launching a new programme called, Text Together.  We will invite in a teacher for Shabbat morning to teach us a text after Shul and before kiddush. The text may well be from a specific genre, so that over the year and onwards, we can increase our awareness of different classic Jewish texts.

More details here

Talmud Classes with Rabbi David:


For over five years now Rabbi David has been running a much loved Talmud Class. You do not need to be an expert at reading and translating Talmud – just interested in delving into the fascinating discussions of the Rabbis, who created a text that is the source of our Jewish Law. The class is open to both men and women so please feel free to come along and try it.The class is usually held at the home of Danny Teacher,  contact the office  for more details and the cost is FREE!!
More details here

Lunch and Learn:

Come along to the shul for a bagel lunch and a fascinating talk on a Jewish theme? Let Rabbi David know if you would be interested.

More details here