Muswell Hill Synagogue
Shemot 17/18 January 2025 Shabbat begins: 4.09pm Shabbat ends: 5.17pm

Toddler group

The Friday morning toddler group runs every week during term times.  It’s for anyone up to nursery age, so if you have a baby, child, grandchild, niece or nephew come along to the The Rose and Harry Epstein Hall (at Shul) between 10am and 12noon.  There will be age appropriate toys – big and small, books, puzzles and challah to nibble on!  Our last half an hour is a Shabbat party where we sing, dance and generally have fun!  So come along and join us! £5 per child plus £2 per extra sibling. For further information call Sharon Rind 07932915055 or email .  Please see a quote below from a “satisfied” parent:
“. . .  just wanted to thank you for running the playgroup – we have enjoyed it very much and it has made Otis engage with Shabbat especially, but also the Hagim, much more than I managed to get him to do in the past.  I have struggled to work out how to build the Jewish environment that I would like the kids to grow up in at home. The playgroup has been a big help in this which I am really thankful for.”