Muswell Hill Synagogue
Pinchas 26/27 July 2024 8.44pm 9.55pm

Who’s who

Below you will find a list of Who’s Who at Muswell Hill Synagogue. They can be contacted through the Office.

Our staff:

Jo Cowen
Jo is the front line for Muswell Hill Synagogue, if you want to book an event, arrange a simcha or talk about membership Jo can help you out
Email Jo
Ella Brickman
Youth Director
Responsible for all things Youth related
Beth Franks
Community Events Co-ordinator
Harriet Rhodes
Welfare coordinator
Juan Vasquez Cifuentes
Vince Caluori

Honorary Officers:

Daniel Shaw
I became Chair after a 5 year stint as a warden as well as having previously taken and ran Children’s Services, as well as a 5 year stint on the Board. I was born in Leeds and went to Manchester University to study physics before eventually ending up in the City working in banking. In order to keep in touch with my northern and my family’s medical traditions I married Melinda, a Doctor from Manchester. Melinda and I joined Muswell Hill 2006 with our sons Louis and Zak. Our daughter Lauren came along in 2009. As Chair, in the post pandemic world I want to engage and re-engage as many people as possible in shull life, across the full ranges of activities that take place in our community.
Mail the Wardens
Marc Rubinstein
Financial Representative
I've been a member of Muswell Hill Shul since moving into the area in 2000 with my wife Judith Vandervelde. I grew up in Liverpool and attended King David High School. After studying mathematics at Oxford University, I pursued a career in the City and worked for a major investment bank before moving into the asset management industry as a partner in an investment fund. More recently, I have shifted my focus into financial journalism. Judith and I have two sons, Sam (22) and Avi (19).
Greg Swimer
Vice Chair
Ilana and I moved to Muswell Hill and joined the Shul in 2003.  We have three children Yael, Annie and Saul. My main involvement in wider shul life has come through my continuous search for volunteers to help on the Security Rota. I was born in the North (although Manchester, not Liverpool), took a year off in Israel, and also attended Oxford University, studying Engineering &Management.  Not really knowing what to do I ended up in IT which turned out to be a reasonable career choice, and I've worked for a number of companies over the past 20 years, spending three years living and working in Haifa between 1997 and 2000 along the way.
Neil Cohen
My wife Linda (also known as The Mysterious Mrs Cohen - TMMC) and I joined Muswell Hill shul in 1995 to get married and we have remained members here ever since. We now have two children Anthony (21) and Rochelle (16). I am the youngest of four brothers and work in the family business having originally trained as an accountant. This is my second stint as Warden following a two-year break. I have previously served on the board of management and the events committee and been a member of the security and pouring rota during my two-year hiatus as a warden.
Steven Feldman
I have been a member of Muswell Hill for a little over 10 years and last year Daniel and Neil asked me to be a warden, I thought they had made a mistake but apparently not! I have served on council for a number of years and kicked off the fund raising for the building works. I have worked in mapping and technology for the last 25 years and am now largely retired.
Ruth Jampel
Women's Officer
I’ve been a member of Muswell Hill since 1997, having joined with my husband, Neil Rosenthal. For many years, I ran the toddlers and children‘s services, and I’ve been on the shul council in the past, responsible for new members and for youth. I’m also very involved with interfaith work and have set up many initiatives with our friends at Whiteman Road Mosque. Our three children, Ruby Lara and Jonas have all taken active parts in shul life as youth leaders and Cheder assistants . I run a teaching organisation called Judaism for Schools and I’m very happy to be a part of such an outward - looking community.

Synagogue Council:

Melinda Shaw
Community Cares
My role on the council is to oversee the Community Cares programme . This is overseen by the very able Harriet Rhodes who liaises with me. We’re also grateful to the band of volunteers who are unsung and essential to the response for a wide range of Welfare needs . I’m married to Daniel and we have 3 children who between them are at University & school currently . My working week is spent as a GP Partner in central London
Keith Mount
Top of the Hill and Events
I retired as a dentist 3 years ago and moved from Stanmore with Steph. We have 3 children and 3 grandchildren. We both love being involved in shul services and events and really enjoy the atmosphere at Muswell Hill. I’m joint chair of the Top of the Hill group together with Janet Goodman. It’s an interesting time at the shul with the building project and the eruv and I’m happy to help wherever needed.
Jo Kaye
Eco Synagogue
Support Rabbi David in integrating the principles of Eco Synagogue and sustainability into the Muswell Hill Synagogue building and community. I am really passionate about sustainability, having worked for many years at the Energy Saving Trust and spent a vast amount of my life persuading friends and family to be more aware of their impact on the environment. My husband Mitch and I, with our two girls Ruby and Millie are fairly new recruits to this wonderful community so I feel very privileged to be involved in this way. I would love to hear from anyone else who is passionate about this and would like to support our journey to zero carbon.
Janet Goodman
Judith Prinsley


Board of Deputies

Anna Lawton
Deputy to the BoD
Judith Prinsley
Deputy to the BoD
Jo Miller
Deputy to the BoD

United Synagogue Council

Karen Ackerman
Irene Mansfield
Daryl Green

200-125  ,
300-115  ,
700-501  ,
PMP  ,
200-125  ,
1Y0-201  ,
200-125  ,
CAP  ,
70-270  ,