Muswell Hill Synagogue
Chol Hamoed 26/27 April 8.01pm 9.10pm

Building Project Update 25-10-2018

After a slight lull over the chaggim we are now fully back up and running on the building project, with lots to report:

1) It seems that the idea of publishing the plans in the shul magazine and the lobby was well received by members. Thanks to all those who wrote to us with new ideas and feedback. As ever we have tried to respond to each and every email directly, so if you have mailed us and haven’t heard back then please do let us know. A number of members have requested more information, in particular a ‘before and after’ diagram for the ground floor of the building. We will look to draw something up and circulate this with a future weekly update.

2) Prior to the Chaggim we made contact with the Planning Department at Haringey Council in order to establish their views (in principle) about our plans. We heard back from them earlier this month. We are pleased to report that they sent us a very positive response. They raised a small number of questions that they would like us to consider in our full planning application at the point in time we make this.

3) Also prior to the Chaggim we considered the best option for the placement of a lift and our architects team drew up plans and submitted these to Lewis Berkeley (our cost consultants) for costing. Two weeks ago we received back a detailed estimated for the work involved. This estimate is more than £220,000 which is clearly a very significant amount in the context of our project. The Building Committee is now considering next steps on this.

4) We’ve been in further contact with Nursery Management team to discuss the future plans for the playground and also the timing for any future works and have further meetings planned in the coming days.

5) And, last but not least, we are in the process of restarting our fundraising efforts. We hope to be in a position to report more on this in the coming weeks.

Wishing everyone Shabbat Shalom,

Greg and Marc