Muswell Hill Synagogue
Chol Hamoed 26/27 April 8.01pm 9.10pm

Support our building project

Thanks to the generosity of over 70 families that have so far contributed we are 85% of the way towards our budget. But we are not quite there yet. We are looking to raise a further £90,000 to take us to our target of £600,000.

If you haven’t yet completed the pledge form, that came in your Shul magazine, we would urge you to do so. We need every member of the community to contribute whatever you can afford. You can download it again here.

Donations can be made over a three year period and are eligible for Gift Aid if you are a UK taxpayer.

Alternatively, if you would like to discuss a donation with one of the team, email the fundraising team and one of the committee will get back to you.