Muswell Hill Synagogue
Chol Hamoed 26/27 April 8.01pm 9.10pm
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Come and find out about the amazing work JWA does

Jewish Women’s Aid Shabbat is next weekend 13th November. We are very lucky to have Lee Wax from JWA give us a talk on Thursday 11th November at 8pm via zoom. Lee is JWA’s Training Coordinator. She initially joined JWA in 2012 to help out for a few months as Volunteers Coordinator, covering for a maternity leave. She became completely committed to the work, and was delighted to be able to stay on at the end of that period. She took on the role of Communications & Training Manager in 2014, with her passion for doing what she calls “changing hearts and minds” in the Jewish community (and beyond) about domestic abuse. Lee’s role as Training Coordinator focuses on reaching hundreds of professionals working with Jewish communities with essential training on domestic abuse in the Jewish context.

If you would like further details and the zoom link please contact ">Beth.