Muswell Hill Synagogue
Pinchas 26/27 July 2024 8.44pm 9.55pm

Rosh Hashanah message

Well I can say that I have broken a record – by having been here for 5 years I have now been here for a little more than my previous community of
Kingston…and I think our community has undergone some really positive changes. A thriving Cheder, Trips to Poland, Yom HaShoah, Tisha B’Av
programme, a great new website…and now I get a bright new office! This year I would like to refocus on Adult Education, so look out for some plans, projects and programmes to grow our communal learning. Rosh Hashanah I really look forward to seeing and greeting as many of you as possible in Shul over Rosh Hashanah. Let us make this together an uplifting and wholly communal time. I also want to remind parents to please ensure that they are always aware where their children are that their children are either in one of our Childrens/Youth Services or in Synagogue with their parents. It is really important to me that we do not repeat what happenned over the Yamim Noraim last year and so have a chat with your children before Rosh Hashanah so that they understand the importance of respecting the building.

*Tashlich becomes Ice Cream Tashlich*. Yes, the temperature should be at least mid 20’s this Thursday so it will be wonderful weather for Tashlich at Coldfall Wood from 5pm. We will be bringing Ice Cream along as well – so come along, do Tashlich and have a unique experience…ice cream on Rosh Hashana!

*Succah Photo Montage* – I would like this year to create a photo montage of members standing or sitting inside or outside their Succah, In other
words if you have a Succah this year (remember the weather could be on our side) then take a photo and email it to me
I will create a big montage of all photos and hopefully we can put it up in Shul somewhere.

*Seudah Shlishit* – Don’t forget please to book your Shabbat for Seudah Shlishit over the winter months. If you leave it your Shabbat might be
booked by someone else so get in fast!

*Trip to Vilnius, Kaunas and Riga* – If you are interested in coming on our trip from October 13th for 2/3 days then please do be in touch – there are spaces still available for the trip which will be incredible. Find out more here

I look forward to seeing you over the Chag and on behalf of Elisheva and or 4 wonderful kids, may I wish you a Shana Tova, a good year for all of us,
and that the Muswell Hill Community will be blessed with a year where we will experience joy together, and cope with the difficult times together.

Rabbi David