Muswell Hill Synagogue
Kedoshim 10/11 May 8.24pm 9.36pm

Rabbi David is Living Below the Line

Our Rabbi is part of a global challenge to raise awareness of the extent of extreme poverty in our world by living on £1 a day. At present there are 1.2 billion people living on roughly £1 a day and thousands across the world are undertaking to live on that amount. He started last night and will end this challenge at this week’s Friday night meal. This event is run by Tzedek who aim to work with the Jewish Community to raise awareness of world poverty. You can have a look at his page where there is info on the challenge and the reasoning behind it. If you like (and there is no pressure) you can also donate something to Tzedek

Living on £1 a day does not seem simple – of course it is only possible if one cuts out meat and fish. Fruit are not cheap either. But using every day value foods from Tesco for instance one can rely on porridge, pasta and rice.
Here for intance is his first breakfast today.
Porridge – 50 g = 3.75p
Milk = 100ml = 8p
Juice – 100ml = 6.5p
Honey – Tbsp = 4.4p
Total              = 22.65p
Watch out for blog entries both on our website and on the Live Below the Line site. He will be regularly tweeting as well.