Muswell Hill Synagogue
Chol Hamoed 26/27 April 8.01pm 9.10pm

Seudah Shlishit Season

Seudah Shlishit - or the third meal are held on Shabbat afternoons at the shul. Someone agrees to sponsor the meal and gives a short talk.

The custom on Shabbat is to have three meals and we are proud of our custom, in Muswell Hill, to have this third meal between Mincha and Maariv (afternoon and evening services) from just after Simchat Torah until Pesach.

What is great about our Seudah Shlishit is that it encourages members to be involved in two ways.  Firstly, you could sponsor a Seudah on a week that is convenient or even meaningful to you.  Secondly, you could prepare a short talk of up to five minutes on something Jewishly relevant and important to you.  It is always refreshing to hear so many different perspectives throughout the winter months.

So please do be in touch – click on the link below to see the shopping list detailing what to buy if you are a sponsor (there is a reduced list if this is needed which can be obtained from the Shul Office) – or email me at to book one – a list of Shabbatot is attached.

Looking forward to hearing from you

Rabbi David

Seudah Shlishit Shopping List